Aside from its fantastic birds, Tobago is surrounded by rich and colorful reefs with 300 species of South Atlantic coral and more than 600 species of fish. The island is also internationally recognized for its drift dives. Tobago is also home to the Nylon Pool, a warm shallow area in the middle of the Buccoo Reef.
Tobago's rich culture is as diverse as the many countries that fought to control the island. The heritage of the enslaved Africans has also heavily influenced the island's culture. Many of the folktales, superstitions, art, music and traditional dances reflect the island's European and African roots. These are celebrated annually during the Tobago Heritage Festival, which runs from early July to August. Fishing, the mainstay of many of the island's inhabitants, is celebrated with parties, sports and other events on St Peter's Day.
Fought over by the Spanish, British, Dutch, Courlanders, French and even the Americans, Tobago boasts a rich and varied history. The various forts and historical sites that dot the island are testament to the island's former colonial masters and diverse history.
Tobago has many beautiful beaches; some are very secluded others are equipped with life guards, concessionaires and modern facilities. Some beaches boast white sands, shallow bays and calm blue waters, others have shallow reefs for snorkeling and some are more exposed to ocean swells.
The village of Buccoo, Tobago, can be described as the goat and crab racing capital of the world. During the Easter holidays this little village draws crowds of curious onlookers as specially trained goats sprint towards the finish line followed by jockeys clutching long ropes. In the crab race, jockeys have no easier task as they attempt to prod the stubborn crustaceans towards the finish line. But there is no glory for the winning crabs, just a place in a pot of spicy curry sauce.
A premiere eco-tourism destination. Tobago has won several prestigious eco awards including the World Travel Awards "Best Eco Destination in the World" and the Caribbean Travel Awards Committee "#1 Eco-Destination in the Caribbean".
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