Update: As of March 23, there are already almost 60 cars pre-registered for the show. At the car show, the date for the 2007 Bare Buns Biker Blast at Caliente will be officially announced.
(Postponed to April 29th due to rain)
As mentioned in “2007 Nude Car Shows: Chevy. Ford. Mopar. Nudists.”, I will be attending one of the upcoming nudist resort car shows and providing a report afterwards. Being eager to learn more about the show ahead of time, I interviewed Deb Bowen, the show coordinator. Deb was nice enough to answer questions about the day’s events at Caliente.
Let’s find out what the Bare Bods and Hot Rods Car Show (April 15th) at Caliente Clothing-Optional Resort and Spa in Lutz, Florida is all about.
John: Having 138 cars in last year's car show is impressive for a clothing-optional resort that opened only in 2004. Could you tell me a little more about last year's car show?
Deb: Let's see. Last year was our first show, but I have worked at other nudist resorts coordinating car shows, so I have a good base to start with. I have also recruited "The Rat Pack Car Club" into the nudist world and have worked with them for years! They go to every car show and event in the state and pass out the flyers/applications! It’s all about getting the word out! And we certainly do!
John: Were the car owners nudists or new to nudism? What has the car owners' response been?
Deb: According to the Rat Pack, the Caliente Car Show has been the talk of the "car show" world since last year! The car owners may or may not be nudists, but for the ones that aren't when they arrive, many of them are by the time they leave! I always sell a few new memberships at the show! It’s a great way to introduce nudism and Caliente to the general public! As you probably know, car collectors are generally an older crowd so it gives them a reason to come to Caliente for the first time (which many of them have stated they were looking for!!!) John: The April 15, 2007 car show looks like an exciting day at Caliente. There will be vendors, a charity raffle, live music, a BBQ, and a sock hop. Could you tell me a little more about these? Where on the 120-acre resort will these events be held?
Deb: The car show is held in the "over-flow" parking area just beyond the main entrance! It holds about 225 cars and is actually a PERFECT place for the show! Many of Caliente’s members like to stand on the balcony overlooking the car show for a "birds eye view" so to speak, but the folks that are not nudists do not have to go into the lobby at all. Although I can tell you that they have ALL wanted to check it out. I don't remember any case of a non-nudist at any of my car shows that refused to take a look around! And they are completely blown away by Caliente, so I always encourage them to take a tour of the resort before they leave!
We raffle off great prizes and the proceeds go to charities so it’s definitely a win-win for everyone! Last year we raffled off the Nose Cone from and INDY 500 Race Car, signed!
The Live music will be a short show during the daytime by Blonde Ambition, a two-girl team that really rocks! They sing all your favorites from the fifties! They are very entertaining! Then they will put on a show at the sock hop in the nightclub that evening! But there will be either live music or a doo-wop DJ at the car show all day!
We also have a full BBQ at the car show with delicious food available so you don't have to leave your car to go find food! Car owners do NOT want to leave their cars for anything, so I make it easy! Not only do we have a BBQ, but will have fun food vendors (like kettle korn or cotton candy) and we will also have the "beer cart" driving around the lot selling beer, water, soda, wine, etc. We come to YOU!
John: Caliente has a calendar of big events. What goes into making the car show happen?
Deb: PROMOTION PROMOTION PROMOTION! You can't have a successful event if you don't let people know. I have listed the show on MANY car web sites, I have listed the event in local papers, I write about it in my newsletter, I send an invitation to all the car entrants from last year, I tell everyone I know, etc!!! And the Rat Pack always does such a great job handing out the flyer/applications to everyone at all the other shows they attend (which is 3-5 a week!)
The car show is one of my favorite events and draws the BEST people from all over!
John: Thank you, Deb, for giving the inside scoop about the event. I look forward to the car show and visiting Caliente. I hope this post on Nudist Travel Blog helps in the promotion efforts. When it comes to promoting nudist travel destinations and events, I know the challenges and there can never be enough promotion. This seems like a great event.
Additional resources:
- Caliente Clothing Optional Resort and Spa - official website
- RatRack Car Club
- American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) - Caliente is an American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) affiliated resort.
- “2007 Nude Car Shows: Chevy. Ford. Mopar. Nudists.”
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