Now is the time to make a “Nude” Year's Resolution. A Nude Year’s Resolution is different from a New Year’s Resolution and much more fun. In this article we’ll look at how to create a successful Nude Year’s Resolution.
As defined in Wikipedia, “A New Year's Resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous.” Applying that to being nudist, a Nude Year's Resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to fun nudist lifestyle activities.
Why nudism? Why should anyone create a Resolution relating to the nudist lifestyle? The 50,000-member American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) explains that nudism “embraces the joy of living and experiencing nature in the most natural way possible. To relax and be nude is to let yourself be totally free…Our own self-esteem is enhanced by our ability to accept ourselves as we really are. We find it easy to accept others regardless of physical size, shape, or body condition. Moreover, social class distinctions, often indicated by clothing, disappear.”
Making a Nude Year’s Resolution is easy. Just follow some examples of good Nude Year’s Resolutions:
1) Spend an afternoon at a nudist resort, campground or beach
If you’ve never tried nudism outside of your home - or even the shower - there’s no better time than 2007 to get outside. How? Find a resort or campground or beach nearby and go there for an afternoon. Many resorts even give clothed guided tours to first-times. Get started learning the facts here. Make a commitment to try nude recreation, to spend a warm afternoon at a nudist campground or resort at least once during 2007.
2) Make a stay at a nudist resort part of your vacation
Spend a night at an American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) affiliated nudist or clothing-optional resort or campground. Find one here. AANR takes affiliation seriously and require member clubs to provide a wholesome and friendly environment. If you haven’t tried nudist recreation before, one of these clubs is a good place to start. Maybe you’ll be lucky and live near a few. If not, there are plenty nearby to popular U.S. tourist destinations from southern California to central Florida to New Jersey, New York and New England. Try something new.
3) Spend a long weekend with your significant other at a nudist resort or clothing optional resort
Spending quality time with your significant other is important. A nudist resort allows both of you to get away from the distractions of everyday life. Maybe plan the long weekend around an event, such as an anniversary or birthday. Of course, if you and your partner are new to nude recreation, talk about it first.
Alright, so those are 3 easy to do Nude Year’s Resolutions to think about. Here’s a few bad resolutions that should be avoided.
A bad resolution: “I want to get into perfect shape first before I go to a nudist resort”
This is a bad Nude Year’s resolution because no one cares how you look. Real people of all shapes, sizes, scars and ages go. A better resolution would be to use nude recreation as a way to live healthier this year. A healthy life means more nude recreation. Many nudist resorts and campgrounds have pools and recreational activities. Exercising nude is much more fun.
Another bad resolution: “I want go to a nudist resort even if I have to put it on credit cards.”
A common New Year’s Resolution is trying to get out of debt. A Nude Year’s Resolution that creates debt is not a good one. A better resolution is to plan out your budget and save up some money before taking any kind of vacation. A nudist weekend or vacation can be cheaper than a clothed one if planned properly. At the very least, there’s no need to buy vacation clothes!
A lot of people break New Year’s resolutions, but Nude Year’s Resolutions are more fun and easier to set and follow. Try it. A Nude Year’s Resolution may even help motivate you to keep a separate New Year’s Resolution, such as relaxing more, vacationing more, or having more fun in 2007.
Literally. The temperature is in the 80s. During January, February and March, the temperature will stay in the 80s with a very slight chance of rain. That is the forecast.
On the island of Bonaire in the Caribbean is Sorobon Beach Naturist Resort, a small family-oriented nudist resort and a nice place to escape from the cold winter weather of North America.This is a place where you can sit on a quiet beach and just lounge around naked all day in the warm sun...maybe read a book or two. The laid-back atmosphere of the resort reflects the tiny island of Bonaire, an island with no traffic lights.
Between lounging sessions, naturists can keep busy with other activities not typically found in United States resorts.
There’s nude snorkeling in the crystal clear water of the 4-foot deep bay the resort is on. Watch the fish and even sea turtles swim by. Snorkeling equipment is available at the resort.
On Mondays, a trimaran sailboat named the “Woodwind” takes visitors on a nude cruise. The boat takes passengers out to another snorkeling area during a 3-hour trip. According to the resort's website, “all you need is a towel, sun-cream and a smile.”
If you’d rather be captain of your own ship, the resort has kayaks available for use. Nude kayaking sounds like fun and a perfect way to see nature.
Twice a week, yoga classes are held on the beach. The small beachfront restaurant also has a bar. And if you just cannot get away from the Internet, the resort has wireless access.
For accommodations, the resort has about 40 one and two bedroom chalets for visitors to stay in and every chalet is within 50 yards of the sea. For a 1-room chalet, rates are about $150 a night during low season and just above $250 a night during peak season (winter).
Here’s an aerial photo of the resort using Google Maps aerial photo. The resort's website only has a limited aerial photo but this Google Maps view does a better job at showing how secluded the resort is. Zoom out and the small size of the island of Bonaire is clear.
Being nude in public for the first time is a scary thought for many people. The thought keeps a lot of would-be nudist travelers from trying nudism.
Nudist resorts and campgrounds go out of their way to make it easy. Many even give a clothed guided tour to newbies.
If it still sounds scary,'s first-time reports section is now up to 64 first-time reports. This is worth a read if you are new to nudism.
There's nothing to worry about. Give nudism a try.
There are two clear facts about the weather in North America. First, December is cold just about everywhere. Second, the south warms up quicker than the north.
If you are a Canadian or from northern United States, there’s no better time than now to start thinking about warm weather nude recreation. This is the only way to get through the dreary winter!
Since outdoor nude recreation is best when the weather is warm and since Florida gets warmest first, with April likely to have some nice weather days, let’s look at the nudist resorts travel choices in Florida.
Cypress Cove is in Kissimmee and not far from Disney or the Orlando airport. There are hotel rooms available and plenty of activities including swimming pool, whirlpool, tennis, volleyball, recreation hall, a 50-acre freshwater lake, and 300 acres of wilderness. They also have regular exercise classes, dances and other activities. There’s no Mickey Mouse, but then again, Mickey Mouse was not a nudist...or was he?
Paradise Lakes is a nudist resort in Land O’Lakes north of Tampa and has lots of water activities on a big site. There are 2 water volleyball areas, 3 pools, 2 hot tubs, a lake and a 72 foot jet pool/whirlpool. There are also saunas, a piano bar, a nightclub, a restaurant, tennis courts, sand volleyball courts, a gym, and assorted recreational activities. And if your hair is shaggy, they also have a salon.
Lake Como Resort is in Lutz, Florida, also just north of Tampa. The family nudist resort has a lake, a pool and a huge hot tub. There is a bar/restaurant, dance hall, tennis, volleyball, petanque and other activities. They even have a golf driving range.
Caliente Resort is among the fancier nudist resort settings in Florida. There are 2 water volleyball pools and 2 sand volleyball courts and regular tournaments. There are a lot of things to do to keep busy including is a swimming pool, hot tub, spa, a fitness center, fitness classes, restaurant, cantina, clubhouse, tennis courts, lakes, beach area, and a hotel.
Hidden River in Hudson is a charming naturist resort on 88 acres. It offers a pool, hot tub, camping, volleyball, canoeing, bicycling, petanque and trail riding.
Riviera Resorts in Pace, Florida is a quaint campground where nudists can get away from it all and get back to nature.
Sunburst is a charming 20-acre campground near Pensacola. They have 2 pools, tennis, volleyball, and other recreation.
Gulf Coast in Hudson, Florida is an 80-acre family nudist resort. There’s a pool, hot tub, pool bar, picnic areas, petanque, volleyball, and lots a space.
Edun Lake in Naples, Florida is another charming get-away-from-it-all 20-acre club. It has a pool, lake, camping, a bar, and a pavilion for activities.
Sunnier Palms near Fort Pierce, Florida has a 12-acre nature preserve, camping, pool, hot tub, volleyball, and petanque. The campground, according to their website, offers visitors “peaceful, country naturism”.
Florida also offers nude beaches. Haulover Beach near Miami is popular.
A little secret. Experienced nudist travelers know that every nudist resort is different. Each destination has its own character, culture and charm and the variety keeps nudist travel fun.
Here's some unique features of popular destinations:
· California’s Desert Shadows Inn has a nude pedestrian bridge called the 'Bridge of Thighs’ that goes over a public road and connects two sections of the resort.
· Avalon in West Virginia has a four seasons indoor aquatic health and fitness center with a heated pool, two spas, and a sauna. This makes for a unique winter weekend getaway for anyone in the Washington, D.C. area.
· Members at Paradise Lakes Resort near Tampa, Florida formed the world’s first nudist Lions Club and have raised tens of thousands of dollars to help those in need.
· Also near Tampa, Caliente Resort offers Chinese Aerobics classes, Yoga classes and meditation sessions. For the football fan, Caliente’s sports bar is packed on Sundays while NFL games play on the big screen TVs.
· At the rustic and remote Berkshire Vista, visitors view the surrounding Berkshires, a tree-covered mountain range in western Massachusetts, while swimming in the large pool or sitting in one of the two whirlpools.
· Cypress Cove Nudist Resort in Kissimmee, Florida is host to the American Nudist Research Library – probably the world’s largest nudist literature collection with books, magazines and nudist lifestyle movies.
There are many, many more destinations throughout the United States and more abroad. Try one out.
You have a relationship challenge. Your wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend does not have the same feelings about nudism as you do. This causes conflict. You want your lifestyle to be accepted and you want your partner to be a part of it. What to do? What to do?
You are not alone. This is a common challenge. American culture, conservative organizations and popular media have created a lot of false stereotypes about the nudist lifestyle. There may be an answer.
Ask your partner to at least hear the other side of the story from people who know nudism well. If your partner agrees, Nudist Travel Guide Blog has compiled a list of 3 free gifts to introduce your partner to the nudist lifestyle.
1. First, introduce the topic. “Honey, look what I found on Wikipedia.” Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, provides an extensive, fact-oriented definition about naturism: "The terms naturism, nudism and social nudity are generally defined as the practice of going nude, especially in a mixed social setting. The terms naturism and nudism generally also mean that the activities are done in non-sexualized, family-friendly contexts." Visit Wikipedia Naturism definition and print it out and have your partner read it.
2. Second, give your partner a printout out of the free classic “205 Arguments and Observations In Support of Naturism”compiled by K. Bacher. Part of the Bacher’s introduction spells out the document's importance: “More than ever, Naturists need powerful arguments to defend their chosen lifestyle against those who cannot see beyond their own misconceptions and preconceived notions. We need evidence and testimony to encourage others to give Naturism a try.” Bacher understands exactly. Download the free“205 arguments”PDF. This comes from The Naturist Society (TNS), one of the leading naturist organizations who's slogan is "Body Acceptance is the Idea, Nude Recreation is the Way."
3. Third, give your partner a free MP3 file about nudism that he or she can play on the computer or MP3 player or iPod. This free MP3 is a 30-minute audio compilation of stories told by experienced naturists. This will help your partner learn what nudism is really about. Hearing the voices of other people really helps create an understanding. It is put out by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation show Street Stories. Directly download 30-Minute MP3 file (14 MB).
I hope these tools are educational to your partner. You may even learn a few things too.
The Nudist Travel Guide Blog introduced the Naked Must Do List series to provide a resource about Cap d’Agde Naturist Quarter in France, the world's largest naturist village. In this post, Part 3 of the Naked Must Do List, the restaurant options will be further explored (see last post for an introduction to nude dining).
Lunch is the best time for nude dining as this is when most people are nude throughout the Naturist Village. In the evening, more people wear some sort of cover-up.So let’s say that all you have is a towel on which to sit and you are ready to head for a restaurant. Where to go? The restaurants in the Cap d’Agde’s Naturist Quarter are located mostly in the 4 commercial complexes adjacent to the residential complexes (see picture).
Heliopolis, the large and distinguished circular building seen in the aerial photo of Cap d’Agde, has a complex of shops and restaurants in the center and a few more beachside. Le Lagon Bleu and Le Pointu offer French cuisine. L’Espadon and La Villa Romaine (clothing required) serve fine seafood selections. There’s the Pizzeria Le Ghymnos, an Italian style restaurant/grill, or for Creole-style fair, try La Case Creole.
The beachfront terrace restaurant Le Buvette de Marseillan is a short walk up the beach from the Heliopolis complex and has a great view.
Port Nature is the large, long holiday apartment building and has two restaurant areas: one on the beach and the other inland at the other end of the building. On the beachfront side of Port Nature can be found a few good restaurants. The Mississippi (Le Mississippi) is one of them. They have several types of savory crepes filled with hams and seafood and topped with assorted cheeses.
The inland side of Port Nature has restaurants that seem more focused on the nighttime bar and club scene catering to the more erotic-oriented vacationer than the typical naturist. During the daytime, it is a quiet area.
The semi-circular Port Ambonne complex is north of Port Nature and has a few restaurants in it too including the seafood restaurant La Poissonnerie Chez Maxime and La Bleue. There are also a few restaurants in the small complex across the street, next to the Port Soleil building.
The focus of this article has been the Naturist Quarter, but it would be a shame not to mention other great places to eat nearby. Though clothes are required, the trade-off for higher quality food may be worthwhile.
For more distinguished eating and scenery, the restaurants lining the canal of the fishing village of Sète are about a 30-minute drive from the Naturist Quarter. Restaurants here are known for their fresh seafood dishes and the atmosphere here is unique and should not be missed.
Even a 15-minute drive will get you to the “Centre Port” harbor area of the clothed town of Cap d’Agde. Though somewhat touristy, there is a nice promenade where you can take a strong along the harbor and pick from a large selection of eateries.
Whether eating in the Naturist Quarter or outside of it, some restaurants have French only menus. Before visiting, studying the French language a little is recommended or at least bring a travel dictionary.
Naked Must Do List for World's Largest Naturist Village Part 2: Dining Out
The Nudist Travel Guide Blog introduced the Naked 'Must Do' List series to provide a resource about Cap d’Agde Naturist Quarter in France, the world's largest naturist village.
The Naked Must Do List series explores the best activities Cap d’Agde vacationers can enjoy without clothes. Part 1 talked about nude grocery shopping. In this Part 2 of the Naked Must Do List, the essential activity of dining out au natural is the focus.
Dining while nude is a liberating and fun experience in the Naturist Quarter. There are 30 or 40 different places to dine during the main tourist season from May to October.The Nudist Travel Guide Blog author has eaten at a handful of the inexpensive, outdoor terrace-style restaurants in the Naturist Quarter - a return trip will be necessary to try the other restaurants. All restaurants so far were enjoyable and being naked made for a unique dining experience hard to duplicate anywhere else in the world.
Clothing is OK too. People tend to wear some form of covering in the evening and at least one fancy restaurant even requires patrons to wear nice clothing.
Even on the beachfront terrace cafes during a hot summer day, some of the patrons will wear clothing. Maybe they just prefer to be nude on the beach or maybe they are novices. At Cap d’Agde, it doesn’t matter if you wear nothing at all or dress like an Eskimo. Everybody blends in and it is a very tolerant culture.
In his more sexually-focused than naturist-focused book on Cap d’Agde, “The Naked Truth about Cap d’Agde”, Ross Velton briefly discusses restaurants and makes the point that Cap d’Agde “lacks the consistently fine dining opportunities found elsewhere in the country” and also says that non-fussy eaters will have no problem with the selection of foods. His opinion seems correct.
There are no 5 star gourmet restaurants in the Naturist Quarter but the selection of foods is vast and varied enough to keep everyone happy.
On many of the menus can be found dishes like mussels with Roquefort, grilled shellfish, shrimp, squid and octopus, goat and sheep cheeses, fish soups, and beef dishes. Some menus include Italian pizza and pasta dishes while other include more exotic dishes.
So bring your towel to sit on and head for one of the commercial areas in the Naturist Quarter for a selection of restaurants to be discussed in Part 3.
Have you dined at Cap d’Agde? What was your experience? Comments welcome.
Curious About Nudist Travel? Take the "30 Minutes of Nudist Audio Challenge"
What is being without clothing at a nudist resort is really like? What is the true naturist experience?
Take the Nudist Travel Guide Blog's "30 Minutes of Nudist Audio Challenge." The challenge is to listen to 30 minutes of real life stories as told by naturists of all ages and learn what nudism is really about. This challenge will provide participants with a more accurate understanding of naturism and help dispel myths and misconceptions.
The 30-minute audio piece was created by ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Radio National's Street Stories - the same quality as NPR (National Public Radio) in the United States. Great job by Kevin Klehr of Street Stories!
Here's part of the description from the Street Stories website:
"In this program producer Kevin Klehr goes 'Swimming with Nudists' and invites listeners to grab a towel and learn about the extraordinary rules nudists must abide by in their quest to feel free. Whether nude bushwalking, playing frisbee or attending an inner-city dinner party, you must never forget the Code of the Nudist."This insightful, high-quality audio collage of naturist stories is an essential listen for anyone curious about the nudist travel experience: Listen to the 'Swimming with Nudists' audio MP3 file here (ABC Radio National's website)
After listening to the audio, listeners should reflect on it. If what the naturists in the audio are saying is try, is nude recreation worth a try?
Good news for nudist travel. According to a 2006 study by the Naturist Education Foundation/Roper Poll, 54% of Americans support having public land set aside for nude sunbathing. In 2000, 48% said yes, and in 1983 only 39% said yes.
Those under the age of 35 show even stronger support with 65% saying yes to nude sunbathing. (View entire study.)
Now, people need to get out and try nude sunbathing, whether it be at Sandy Hook Beach in New Jersey or Haulover Beach in Miami or at many of the other clothing-optional beaches throughout the United States. There are also many campgrounds and resorts (for example, Cypress Cove - see past review) that offer more seclusion and ammenities.
The "Naturist Quarter" in the beach town of Cap D'Agde in France is the site of the world's largest naturist village. Measuring over 1 mile along the shore and then approaching a half-mile inland at its deepest, the Naturist Quarter covers a lot of ground. Cap d'Agde offers the freedom to do lots of activities without the requirement of clothes - making for a great nudist travel destination.
In this series, the Nudist Travel Guide blog looks at the 'must do' activities with a few 'do not do' ones thrown in for good measure. Let's get started with the topic of buying food.
If you are staying at Cap d'Agde for a few days or a week, most humans are going to need food. Getting food in the nude is fun.
Whether staying at a rented apartment/condo or "the" hotel (Hotel Eve is the only hotel in the Naturist Quarter), you can walk to one of the 4 or 5 grocery stores in the nude and do your grocery shopping au natural. These little grocery shops are similar, but they are worth exploring.
The stores have a selection of the perishable foodstuffs like milk and cheese, the necessities like paper towels and common items you'd expect in a grocery store. The stores have snacks, cereals, breads, drinks, canned goods, and lots more.
There are a few fresh fruit stands and several meat shops scattered throughout the shopping centers in the Naturist Quarter. Of course there are a few bread shops and wine shops in the Naturist Quarter too - this is France after all!
On the 'do not do' list for Cap d'Agde is bringing lots of clothes. Sure, most people put on some form of covering at night, but more clothes means more laundry. While there is a laudry mat or two onsite, doing laundry is still a chore. Who needs chores on vacation?
This is part 1 in a series. Return to soon for more of the Naked 'Must Do' List for the World's Largest Naturist Village!
Hiking is good for you and excercises the body and the mind. Hiking is quiet time away from day-to-day life. Naturist hiking offers more freedom from day-to-day life and gets you even more in tune with the earth.
If you've ever wondered where to hike in the nude among the most pristine settings on earth, northwest Canada may be the answer. In a really good article about nudist hiking in northwest Canada, George Walker says that "The [Canadian] North, more than anywhere else on the continent, offers what naturists most desire: guaranteed privacy and stunning terrain."
Check out the article. It is entertaining and informative: "The Great Wide Open" (UpHere Magazine - Explore Canada's Far North). Just watch out for grizzly bears.
Have you ever heard of the World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR)? This is a unique nudist travel option with an activist twist.
This current message on the official WNBR website is the easiest way to explain it: "On March 10th and June 9th and 30th, 2007 cities across the world will experience the naked joy of the world's largest naked protest against oil dependency and car culture in the history of humanity. It is time to stop indecent exposure to automobile emissions and to celebrate the power and individuality of our bodies! Naked Bicycle People Power!"
If you are looking for something worthwhile to do in 2007, this could be it. The current locations for 2007 include London, Miami, Seattle and Washington, DC but more locations will likely be added as the event nears, according to the website. Updates on locations and more info is available on the official WNBR wiki.
I found this quote from Conrad Schmidt, founder of World Naked Bike Ride: "Our message to the world is one of simplification, human harmony and love. For a future to exist for tomorrows generations, we have to stop wasting the life blood energy of the Earth, stop fighting and killing in the name of consumerist wealth accumulation and learn to love and respect all life on this planet." How could any person disagree with that message? Sounds like an event worth traveling to.
The events around the world are clothing optional. So if you want to show your support, but aren't ready to be naked, you can still participate...though that would defeat the purpose. You can register for the event on the WNBR website.
A post by Suncatcher on the forum gets at the impact of WNBR and its importance to nudism: "I believe onlookers are first intrigued by the casual non-conformity and the novelty, but the lasting impression is one of harmless fun that motivates them to wonder why society is so hung up on simple nudity. Who exactly is served and protected by an ordinance that criminalizes simple non-sexual nudity? When the population majority realizes that only people with an unhealthy self-image are served by such ordinances, then maybe we will begin to see the dismantling of anti-nudity legislation" (source).
That is a day pure nudists and naturists look forward to - and it would certainly open the doors for nudist travel, a freedom so very limited. I encourage you to learn more about World Naked Bike Ride.
While browsing through some naturist links, the name Nudist Passions stood out as worth sharing with nudist travelers looking to meet singles or make penpals. Nudist Passions is a free personals website with a nudist/naturist theme.
The site is similar to the local personals sections found in the back of newspapers, except the personals are all from nudists around the world - nearly 11,000 of them. The personals appear friendly and mostly well-mannered. The visitors to the site regulate each personal though a voting tool and this improves the quality. Some of the personals are dating oriented, but others are just people looking to casually meet other nudist people locally or when traveling.
Unlike a paper newspaper, there are many ways to skim through these online personals: browse all personals, browse by group/interests, browse by state, or search by keywords, relationship type or age range.
Clicking "browse by group/interests" reveals 19 different categories under which a personal could be listed. There are 4 nudist travel related categories: clothing optional vacations, naturist campgrounds, nude beaches and nudist resorts. Other categories range the gamut from nude activism to seniors to smoothies. Everyone is different.
There are many other cool features to this website including on online dating safety page worth reading to understand the risks of online dating. Visit Nudist Passions : Free Nudist & Naturist Dating & Personals (may contain nudity).
Did you ever wonder what goes on at the true nudist and clothing-optional campgrounds and resorts? The family-friendly places that meet the standards set out by AANR and other bodies are much like textile (clothed) campgrounds and resorts. Based on experience, this list shows some of the most common nudist recreation activities.
1. Lounging on the beach or by a pool
2. Swimming / skinny-dipping
3. Picnics at nudist campgrounds and dining at resort restaurants
4. Hiking naked
5. Camping au naturel
6. Nude petanque
7. Nude volleyball
8. Nude ping-pong
9. Nude tennis
10. Dancing at dance night at a nudist campground
The blog 'Nudist Travel Guide' celebrates 1 year of clothing-optional and nude travel-related postings. Nudist Travel Guide is an educational guide to the world of nude travel and features reviews of nudist destinations and accommodations, current events, and naturist resources.
While creating awareness of nudist organizations like the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR), the largest, most long-established organization of its kind in North America, the guide has reviewed destinations including Cypress Cove Nudist Resort in Florida and Cap d’Agde in France.
Nudist Travel Guide was the first to point out there are 2.4 Million nude telecommuters in the US workforce. Though organizations like AANR, Federation of Canadian Naturists (FCN), International Naturists Association and The Naturist Society (TNS) are seeing membership growth, AANR, one of the largest, only has 50,000 members.
There is a disparity between the number of telecommuters and the number of nudist organization members. This presents an opportunity for future membership growth, especially since telecommuters only respresent 12% of the workforce. These organizations all offer a wide array of membership benefits.
The blog is a Blogger success and is accessible at:
Nudist Travel Guide -
Nudist Cruises in All Shapes and Sizes - the New Modern Travel Alternative
Though a relatively new to the travel scene, there are now many clothing-optional sailing options, from large cruise ships with a thousand people to more personal chartered yachts with you, your mate, and maybe a handful of others. Whatever the choice, clothing-optional boating offers an escape from the complexities of modern life and an alternative to one-size-fits-all travel options.
Larger nudist cruises sail in the Caribbean or Mediterranean. Expect all of the accomodations and friendliness but without the clothing (except when going to shore). Among the options are: Bare Necessities Cruises and Caliente Resort's Windjammer.
Chartered yachts are more intimate. Many offer easy access to the water for ocean skinny dipping, naked snorkeling or even nude scuba diving. Here's few chartered yachts/sailboats options for naked cruises in the Caribbean: Caribbean Nude Sailing, Nude Crewz, and Boat In The Buff.
Just don't use the phrase "Nice dinghy!" or you may get thrown off the ship.
This picture shows the future of airline travel. The only thing that wouldn't be fun is being a skinny person sandwiched in the middle of two very large people. This isn't fun clothed or naked.
(Credit: Just_jane, Source: Flickr)
Back in 2003, some Southwest Airlines pilots actually tried being nude in the cockpit, but it didn't work out for them (Story). The pilots picked the wrong airline to work for. As mentioned in a previous post, Naked-air is probably the place to work.
Though in a strange foreign language called British English, hours of work with dictionary in hand allowed the understanding of a BBC UK article about football players playing nude.
Synopsis: 'Though using a soccer ball instead of a football, a group of 6 nude footballers were videotaped playing a game of soccer while in an empty stadium. The video ended up on Youtube for a short time before being removed because of terms of service violations. Though authorities were not impressed, the scolding was minor.'
In the US, when two groups of players scrimage one another and neither has team shirts, one team wears shirts and the other wears skins. Appearantly, in the UK "shirts versus skins" is a whole different ballgame altogether.
There is one thing sport playing US nudists have in common with UK nudists and other nudists around the world: Petanque. Petanque is common at naturist campgrounds and resorts around the world. Wherever your nudist travel takes you, be assured that petanque will probably be there.
When they aren't searching for cheap plane tickets to a naturist destination such as the central Florida nudist resorts, some nudist travelers spend time on online forums. Here's 4 of the top quality "authentic" nudist discussion forums online with active members and good moderation. These are good places to ask questions and learn:
- forum - Very active with good members
- Go Bare - British naturist forum that is good to investigate is planning a trip to the UK area.
- Clothes Free - Very active on US and international nudist travel topics. Good place to get advice.
- Net Nude - Kind of an old-school forum, but it is active. Requires that you login before viewing.
When you can’t travel nude, working at home nude is the next best thing. The AANR (American Association for Nude Recreation) and others have recently made known the results of a survey conducted by SonicWALL, a network security provider. According to the survey of people who work at home: “Out of 941 workers surveyed, 12% of males and 7% of females reveal that they work in the nude.” That’s about 10%. How many people do you know who work just at home? Probably not a lot, but 1 in 10 work naked.
Do you know that 12% of corporate employees telecommute? A January 2006 article on telecommuting mentioned findings that 24 million corporate employees (12%) now telecommute at least part of the time (source: TheWeek).
Do the math. 10% of 24 million is 2.4 million. Yes, 2.4 million telecommuters work at home in the nude.
Here’s where the math doesn’t add up. There’s 2,400,000 telecommuters working at home in the nude, yet there are only 50,000 members in AANR, an organization whose mission is to "Promote, enhance, and protect in appropriate settings, nude recreation and nude living in the Americas."
Since AANR members come from all walks of life, from telecommuters to blue collar workers to fanatics to retirees, one would have to assume that there are millions of people not afraid to be nude outside of their showers. Yet, these people are still afraid to step outside their doors nude.
These naked people should be reading educational websites like this one and thinking about becoming AANR members or joining other similar organizations worldwide.
There's a huge world of nude opportunities outside the home, from campgrounds to beaches to resorts and events.
Some recommended sites for learning about naturist travel:
NetNude has a good collection of nudist vacation trip reports
Euronat is a family-oriented naturist camping area on the Atlantic Ocean side of France
British Naturism Organization provides a guide to naturist beaches and clubs in the UK has popular naturist forums