Interested in a naked run somewhere near you?

A commenter pointed this website out:

Put out by the Western Association for Nude Recreation (WANR), the site contains lots of good info about upcoming events. If you have ever wanted to try naked running, 2007 is your chance.

Speaking of nude runs, Pete Williams writes in the Fitness Buff Radio Show newsletter about tomorrow's Cotton Tail 5K Run. Should be great weather in Tampa/Lutz, Florida! Partly cloudy and high of 80 at Paradise Lakes.

Pete Williams: "Remember that scene in the movie "Old School" where Juliette Lewis informs recent streaker Will Ferrall that she's gotten into body painting? Our own Sabrina Vizzari will be body painted on Friday afternoon - possible coverage on the 6 o'clock news - to promote the Paradise Lakes Body Art Festival and Cotton Tail 5K run on Saturday, April 21. The race is at 6 p.m. and is a perfect recovery run for anyone looking for a run between the Escape from Ft. Desoto and St. Anthony's triathlons. C'mon Everybody! We're Streaking...We're Streaking! Through the quad to the gymnasium. C'mon, Snoop!"

Learn more about the run and body art festival.